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Good Posture Begins with Having a Backbone

Wednesday, 22 May 2013 15:38

After a recent interview for an article in fourpoints' next issue, I was thinking about the challenges that face contestants today. Many titleholders step into the spotlight on stage and remain there long after their year of service is done. As public figures, and as representatives of the Miss America Organization, poise relates to style. But more than ever, it also reflects an organization's consistency of brand. Titleholders not only demonstrate the mission of their organization, but also that of their own belief systems. 

In many ways, society has become more understanding and open to ideas and opinions that are different from our own. But when titleholders are called upon to express their opinions, how do they address sensitive topics diplomatically while remaining true to their convictions

What challenges face the members of your organization, whether they be contestants, titleholders, volunteers, or members of the board of directors? How is your local or state pageant preparing young women to stand up for what they believe in the face of scrutiny? 

Written by: Erika Fifelski, fourpoints staff writer