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America's Choice

Tuesday, 04 December 2012 10:36

The 2013 Miss America pageant is just over a month away! It's hard to believe another year has passed, and Laura Kaeppeler will soon hand over the national title. MAO has once again posted fifty-three contestant videos online, which the public could use as their basis in voting for the America's Choice contestant—the young woman who will automatically be placed in the top fifteen for receiving the highest number of votes.

Click here for more information and to watch the videos.

I watched the videos—all of them—and I loved getting to know, however briefly, each of the contestants before the pageant. It helps me to recognize and write about the contestants when they're on the national competition stage. But what's more, these videos—put together by each of the girls themselves—give viewers a look into their and personalities. Some videos were funny, some were some informational, some inspirational.

Although there are four points of the crown and none could stand without the others, there were many contestants who were able to show how each of these points—scholarship, success, style, and service—work together seamlessly and complement each other. What impressed me the most about the videos was the unique way in which the young women interpret the meaning of the organization’s points and how each of them put that meaning to use in their platforms and communities.

Best wishes to all who are preparing for the Miss America pageant, including contestants, and of course, the tireless volunteers. We'll see you in Las Vegas!

Written by: Erika Fifelski, fourpoints staff writer