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Do You Feel Like a Celebrity?

Wednesday, 14 August 2013 13:34

1173648 547999411934142 548445817 nThis morning, we spent some time with Miss America 2013 Mallory Hagan! She stopped by our table to sign autographs for a long-winding group of excited fans.

Last January at the 2013 Miss America competition, we heard the word “relatable” quite a bit. Judges wanted to choose a relatable titleholder—someone who could confidently move between the social circles of everyone from princess-aged children to the President of the United States. Mallory exemplifies this trait each day, and it was particularly evident this morning as she signed autographs.

Everyone from trade show vendors to state volunteers to parents of contestants wanted the opportunity to talk with Miss America, and no matter who it was, Mallory made them feel like she was there just for them. She didn’t just sign her name on a magazine and send people on their way. She took the time to ask them a couple of questions, write a personal note along with her autograph, and really convey her appreciation for the support of all those attending festivities this week at the 2013 Miss America's Outstanding Teen competition.

Even though Mallory was the biggest celebrity in the room, her compassion reminded us that we’re all a part of something bigger than a trade show, an autograph signing, or a week of competitions. This week is really about the continuation of an organization that supports the positive development of young woman across the country through service and scholarship.

Written by: Erika Rose is fourpoints magazine’s staff writer.