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Fourpoints Farewell


Why is fourpoints saying farewell?
While we've received tremendous support from our readers, state and local executive directors, and volunteers, Serendipity Media—the publisher of fourpoints—is growing in other directions and must dedicate its time elsewhere. Since August 2005, fourpoints has been a labor of love; unfortunately, it must come to an end.

When is the last issue being sent?
February 2014. The last/final issue of fourpoints will be the February/March 2014 issue.

Will there still be a weekly eNews sent?
No, fourpoints eNews will no longer be sent.

How long will the website be available?
There are no plans to shut the website down. All of the resources will still be available, however new content will not be published.

Will there still be a fourpoints magazine facebook page?
Yes. The account will remain but we will not be updating or maintaining it.

Will there still be an @fourpoints Twitter page?
Yes. The account will remain but we will not be updating or maintaining it.

Can I still submit Crown Watch photos?
Unfortunately, with the end of the magazine, we no longer will be accepting Crown Watch photos.

I'm an advertiser scheduled to run ads in future issues and/or on Will I receive a refund?
All advertisers will receive a refund for the balance of their contracts.

Will I receive a refund for my fourpoints MarketPlace listing?
Yes. All fourpoints MarketPlace listings will receive refunds for the balance of their contracts.

I'm an Executive Director who received an Orientation Special packet. What should I do?
Please do not offer the Orientation Special to your contestants. You can discard/recycle all materials mailed to you.

If you have additional questions, you can submit them via email to or call 866-252-7108.