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Question and Answer Session with Julie Anne

Thursday, 16 June 2011 11:36
Common Characteristic of Miss Americas

Q. You have interviewed so many girls whom have been tremendously successful in pageantry. What are some of the common characteristics that you have noticed in these girls?

A. The common characteristics of the successful pageant contestants I have interviewed are good listening skills, sincerity, and poise. When you speak to a successful pageant contestant, she is focused on what you are saying and not formulating her response in her head. She is in the moment with you – and it shows. Sincerity is also key. Pageant contestants want to appear enthusiastic and engaged – and that’s wonderful – but if it’s not authentic, it’s pretty clear. The Miss Americas I have interviewed have always been able to engage me without seeming over the top. And finally, poise is so important. I am always amazed at the composure of Miss Americas – and even some Miss States – just moments after their crowning moment. That is the true mark of a successful queen – a woman who can have her dream come true on national television and moments later  give a moving speech.

What Attribute is Most Important for Pageant Success

Q. After interviewing these women is there a single attribute that you would deem as most important in their pageant success?

A. The single attribute that is most important to any pageant contestant’s success is desire. If you want it, you will find a way to get it. The desire, the drive to achieve, shows through in everything that you do on that pageant stage and in the interview room. It can transform you from a runner up into the winner. I have seen it happen in pageants I have judged and attended time and time again.

How a Village Creates a Miss America

Q. In your blog post, “Is A Miss America Born or Made” you mentioned that you think that it takes a village to create a Miss America
. What does that village look like? And how can our girls populate their “village”?

A. In my mind, the perfect Miss America village is filled with a key team of people who are on board with the mission (to become Miss America) and can help you find the tools to make that happen. I don’t think you have to be surrounded by experts – just people who have access to experts! Also, I think every contestant should have at least one person in their village willing to say, “No, that’s a bad decision. Here is why.” I feel like the elements of a Miss America that are inborn are wonderful – but you need that package to win the crown and the village should help with that in every way, every single day.