fourpoints Magazine

The #1 Resource for Everything Miss America & MAOTeen

My Village

Wednesday, 22 June 2011 15:11

I talk a lot about the "village" concept in fourpoints magazine - bet you a nickel I mention it in the upcoming and awesome August issue - because I truly believe in the concept. I think in most areas of life, we do actually need a village to accomplish something. Pageantry is no exception and perhaps one of the best examples of how a grass roots village structure can make incredible things happen.

Today, I want to talk about my village - something I don't do often enough. My name is on fourpoints magazine, but there are so many hands and hearts that touch each issue. My art director and designer Courtney (who recently moved to California) spends a lot of time and considerable patience making every issue look beautiful and fresh. 

All of you who send in Crown Watch pictures are part of my village, too! I couldn't do that without you and you are an integral part of getting our state and local titleholders the recognition they deserve. Every issue, I can count on Chelle Hyde from California to send me photos and I love that. 

Bonnie at Miss America and Kim, Dianne, Nicole, and Kristin at MAOT are always willing to help me with a photo, info, or my millionth question.

I have a local village filled with people like Noddea Skidmore, who always has an idea for me when my own mental well is dry. 

What I am trying to say, I suppose, is thank you. Thank you for helping me make this magazine happen! 

Who/what are you thankful for today?