It’s that time of the year where most of us are focusing our energies on those unwanted holiday pounds, firming up before bathing suit season, and making better choices for a healthier lifestyle. While there’s nothing wrong with this—in fact I’m doing it myself—I do think that it’s important to keep things, in perspective.
I ran across the following TedEx video in my newsfeed. I can honestly say I don’t ever watch videos that are longer than a couple of minutes, let along a thirteen-minute video, but I couldn’t stop. I encourage you to watch this video and ask yourself what defines you.
I hope you find Lizzie’s story as inspiring as I have.
Kasie Smith is the president and publisher of West Michigan Woman magazine.
Social media is all about timing. If you have breaking news on a winner, post quickly and accurately. Here are some tips and tricks on running great social media pages.
Written by: Chelsea Stoskopf is fourpoints magazine's editorial assistant.